Wednesday, June 6, 2007

politically correct

So I'm having a good time with both of my jobs. I can't get into many specifics with either one, because I think I swore that I'd keep private matters private at some point, but I won't mind talking in generalities.

In both of my jobs, I'm actually writing opinions. I take whatever case is being appealed or argued or discussed, I research all of the claims of whatever parties there are, then I write however I think the case ought to turn out.

With traffic court, I have 1/3 of the ultimate say. With the clerkship, I have zero of the ultimate say. My power is more like that of the president when he proposes the national budget. He makes the proposal, but the congress is the one to actually decide on it.

On the other hand, the president has veto power, so I guess my power is even less than the president's in this case. Regardless, it feels like I have an awful lot of power for a guy who just finished his first year of law school. I guess they think I'm some kind of "adult" now, who will actually try his best at things.


I've had a few moments lately to think about how poor a public figure I'd be. I can imagine that various members of the media who might not like me could twist my words, because I tend to make little sardonic jokes that would play pretty horribly out of context.

It makes me wonder a little bit. That guy in Texas who screwed over the various Native American tribes in the area. I forget his name. I'm sure he was not a great guy, but I wonder if some of the things he wrote weren't nearly as bad as they sounded.

I could see a few conversation between myself and my old ndn roommate coming out REALLY poorly.

Anyhow, I guess that's a random collection of thoughts. Maybe I'll come up with something more focused next time.


Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I decided to randomly google your name and I found your masters thesis, so I read it. One of my favorite things about reading articles, papers, etc, is to see what people come up with for the first sentence, the one that really grabs you and pulls you in. As far as first sentences go... yours was quite nice...
"an attitude need not lead to a corresponding behavior"
I enjoyed it immensely:)